Moorhead 2, Cretin-Derham Hall 1 | FINAL
Three Stars
1. Jordan Doschadis - Moorhead | GWG, 1 assist
2. Braden Rahman - Moorhead | 1 goal, 1 assist
3. Alex Altenbernd- Moorhead | 2 assists
1P: M: Braden Rahman (Alex Alterbernd, Jordan Doschadis) 8:19
2P: CDH: Bob Kinne (Tony Barbato) 13:35
2P: M: Jordan Doschadis (Alex Altenbernd) 15:07
Saves: M: Logan Marks 17 Saves | CDH: Ben Walsh 20 Saves
Powerplays: Moorhead 0-3 | Cretin-Derham Hall 0-4
It was not the most exciting semifinal game I have ever watched by Moorhead got the job done. The Spuds did not play as well as they did against Edina.